Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Rehabilitation of Rugs, Carpets

Rugs and carpets should be stretched out on a flat surface and allowed to thoroughly dry with alternate turning to prevent mold; followed by beating, sweeping or vacuum cleaning. Rugs that require shampooing should be washed with commercial rug shampoo products or with a soap jelly, and then wiped off, rinsed with clean water, and allowed to thoroughly dry. Soap jelly may be prepared by mixing one pint of mild soap powder or flakes with five parts of hot water and beat with an eggbeater until a stiff lather is formed. Resizing may be done with a commercial or homemade material. Homemade sizing may be prepared by mixing one-half pound of granulated glue to one gallon of boiling water. Stretch the rug out flat where it will not be disturbed, apply with a wide brush and allow to thoroughly dry. When practical, upholstery may be cleaned by following the procedures outlined for rugs.

1 comment:

Jennifer Styles said...

I realize this is odd timing, this being summer and all, but here is a link to an interesting Blog post about leaving area rugs up-side-down on the snow to clean them. If it works it sure would be cheap and safe.