Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Carpet Maintenance

Frequent and good maintenance is the key to a long lasting and good-looking carpet. Commercial areas with heavy traffic should be vacuumed daily, with equipment that has powerful suction and an enclosed HEPA filtration bag. Every 6-12 months, the carpet should be extraction cleaned, preferably by hot water or steam. Some methods such as dry foam or dry extraction use chemicals that can emit fumes and cause indoor air quality problems. Clean up spills immediately to prevent stains and fungal growth.

Carpet should not be installed near entrance doors or areas where moisture and organic matter can contaminate them. Walk-off mats at entrances should be installed or that portion of carpet should be cleaned more often than less trafficked carpet. Carpet fibers are an excellent medium for dust mites and microbial agents, especially if the carpet becomes wet and cannot be properly dried. Carpet can be purchased treated with antimicrobial agents that resist the growth of microorganisms.

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